Spiritualist Charlotte
24 hour psychic reader Iām a third generation gifted psychic reader and advisor I can help you through past present & future love career etc.
My readings
Psychic reading
This reading will tell you about your past present and future what I see for you in love and relationships business career health.
$80 half deck
I have a tarot card reading tells 10 years from the past and 10 years into the future this breaks down every matter of life loving relationships business career health finances
$100 love reading
This reading is mainly focused on love and relationships want to know answers involving an ex, lover etc. this reading tells you where your love life is heading if a relationship is coming your way or if this reading is based upon somebody I tell you whatever I pick up on involving you and this person and what the future holds for the two of you and your relationship if they are the one or not
$70 palm reading
This reading tells you about your character and opportunities coming your way 4 questions included on any matter
Chakra reading $100
This reading gives you information related to your chakras if they are Unbalanced which chakra is unaligned or blocked.
Other services
Spiritual cleansing
$200 +
Spiritual cleansing cleanses your spirit from any negativity and dark energy.
Chakra alignment $300 +
Full 7 chakra unblocking and alignment
Chakras are our energy centers. They are the openings for life energy to flow into and out of our aura. Their function is to vitalize the physical body and to bring about the development of our self-consciousness. They are associated with our physical, mental, and emotional interactions. When they are unaligned it can lead to stress depression anxiety being unable to express yourself lack of energy not being able to love etc.